Traffic  >  Shuttle
Airport Shuttle
Changchun - Longjia airport direction (line 1)

Departure station: Quan'an square (Nanguan subway station)

  Departure station: Quan'an square (Nanguan subway station)

  Linhe Street (Civil Aviation Safety Supervision Bureau), Lequn Street (Second Department of Jida hospital), Dongfang Square (361 bus station, exit D of subway station).

Changchun - Longjia airport (line 2)

Departure station: expressway passenger station

  Departure time: 8:40 to 16:40 (every hour)

  Stops: Linhe Street (LRT bus station), convention and Exhibition Center (LRT bus station), Shoudi Shoucheng bus station.

Changchun - Longjia airport direction (line 3)

Departure station: Changchun North passenger station (railway station)

  Departure time: 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30

  Stops: West square, department store, Quan'an square (Nanguan subway station), Linhe Street (Civil Aviation Safety Supervision Bureau), Lequn Street (Second Department of Jida hospital), Oriental square (No.361 bus station, exit D of subway station).

Longjia airport - Changchun (line 1)

Departure station: Longjia airport

  Departure time: the first flight: within 60 minutes of the landing of the first flight; the last flight: within 30 minutes of the landing of the last flight; when the passengers are full during the peak period, no more than 60 minutes during the peak period

  Stops: Dongfang Square, Lequn Street (Second Department of Jida hospital), Linhe street, Quan'an square (Nanguan subway station).

Longjia airport - Changchun (line 2)

Departure station: Longjia airport

  Departure time: 10:00 to 18:00 (every hour)

  Stops: Shoudi Shoucheng bus station, Exhibition Center (LRT bus station), Linhe Street (LRT bus station).

Longjia airport to Changchun (line 3)

Departure station: Longjia airport

  Departure time: the first flight: within 60 minutes of the landing of the first flight; the last flight: within 30 minutes of the landing of the last flight; when the passengers are full during the peak period, no more than 60 minutes during the peak period

  Stops: Dongfang Square, Lequn Street (Second Department of Jida hospital), Linhe street, Quan'an square (Nanguan subway station), people's Square, department store, west square, Changchun Kaixuan Road passenger station (railway station).

Bus fare: 25 yuan / person for Changchun and 50 yuan / person for Jilin

Service Tel: 0431-96665

For airport buses in Jilin and Liaoyuan, please call 0431-77783193